Meet Our Brand Ambassadors

Sam Belliveau, Canada's Strongest Woman
In 2022 Sam won the Arnold Strongwoman classic amateur championship. Shortly after she set a new world record in the One Arm Dumbbell Press (aka CDB) and is now part of the Arnold classic Pro roster. Sam is currently a 3-time Strongest Woman in Canada and just recently broke another world record (X2) at the Arnold strongwomen classic lifting 182 CDB twice!
Co-owner of Maximum Strength Performance, Evolution Athletics Canada and Strongman Corporation Canada. You can follow her on all social channels:

Christina Coulombe, Coach and Personal Trainer
Christina is National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Physical Preparation Specialist. She has been in the fitness industry since 2011 and currently works out of Synergy Training Centre in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
The mission of her brand, Perfect Fitness & Lifestyle, is to help you achieve your fitness goals through sustainable lifestyle changes, including personalized training programs, nutrition coaching strategies, and other important lifestyle components such as stress management, adequate sleep hygiene and support systems.
FB: @perfectfitnesslifestyle
IG: @perfectfitnesslifestyle
TIKTOK: @xtinafitness88